These complementary feed for animals are composed of essential nutrients for the gastrointestinal system, which help prevent digestive problems in dogs, cats, and other pets.
Complementary feed with nutrients that help stabilise the intestinal flora of dogs and cats.
Complementary feed based on plasma-derived nutrients and other nutrients that help with prolonged intestinal imbalances. Specifically formulated for large and giant breeds.
Alimento complementario a base de nutrientes de origen plasmático y otros nutrientes, que ayudan ante desequilibrios intestinales prolongados en el tiempo. Formato de razas medianas y pequeñas.
New composition.
Complementary feed in gel format.
New composition.
Complementary feed in easily divisible tablets.
Complementary feed with nutrients that support the intestinal system.
These complementary feed for animals are composed of essential nutrients for the gastrointestinal system, which help prevent digestive problems in dogs, cats, and other pets.
The stomach and small intestine are the main organs that aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients from the feed that enters each animal's body. Complementary feed help through their nutrients to ensure that the digestive system functions normally, thereby contributing to the maintenance of a healthy and nourished pet.
A balanced digestive system contributes to the quality of life of the pet.
Gastrointestinal disorders come in different types and origins but can cause an imbalance in the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of the pet. A minor issue like abdominal pain or loose stools may indicate the presence of some intestinal imbalance.
Diarrhea in pets can either be a condition in itself or a symptom of other digestive problems, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, renal or hepatic systemic diseases...
When we talk about diarrhea as the sole problem of the digestive tract, we refer to diarrhea caused by parasites, bacteria, or foreign bodies; diarrhea caused by antibiotics, food allergies, changes in diet... or diarrhea after treatment for viral diseases.
Further below, we will share advice on diet and care for digestive problems, but proper hydration and a soft diet are basic recommendations.
The mucosal layer of the intestine is an essential component in protecting the small intestine. Among its functions, it protects the organism from the entry of bacteria and foreign bodies into the bloodstream. When the epithelium is in good condition, it will absorb nutrients such as selenium, zinc, or vitamin B12. If the epithelium is injured, there will be a deficiency in nutrient absorption, inflammation of the intestine, incomplete protection...
And problems like chronic inflammation can arise, which in turn produces long-term gastrointestinal disorders that are more difficult to treat.
Another problem in the intestine of pets, especially those with fur, is intestinal obstruction. Cats and dogs with such problems have an inflamed intestine, do not pass stool as usual (there may even be blood in the stool), and may experience vomiting or dizziness. We emphasize fur because it is common in cats for hairballs to cause this obstruction, although it can also be due to ingestion of plastics, toys, threads...
Among the factors that can help the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system of pets, the diet, hydration, and nutritional supplementation stand out. It should not be forgotten that exercise also activates metabolism, a key factor for good digestion and nutrient absorption.
Complementary feed for dogs, cats, and other pets that contribute to proper digestive health contain nutrients such as proteins, minerals, and vitamins that help in the healthy development of the digestive system, as well as contribute to the protection of the stomach and intestinal mucosa.
Pharmadiet Veterinaria's complementary feeds for pets with nutrients that contribute to proper digestive health
Among the nutrients that help the digestive system of dogs, cats, and other pets stand out:
• Malt. Helps regulate intestinal transit and reduce possible hairballs that obstruct it. Especially important in cats.
• Oligofructose. Prebiotic ingredient, i.e., favors the proliferation of intestinal flora and contributes to the normal immune response to infections.
• Saponins. Helps reduce flatulence and decrease the odor of feces and urine, with a known antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory function.
• Keratin and alginate of seaweed. Help protect the gastric mucosa.
• Aloe barbadensis leaves. With known antioxidant properties.
• Zinc. Component that protects cells from oxidation.
• Bioactive plasma proteins. Help maintain normal immunity in the intestinal mucosa.
• Attapulgite. A crystalline hydrated aluminum and magnesium silicate that absorbs toxins and microorganisms that can affect the digestive tract.
Pharmadiet Veterinaria recommends that, in case of any problem or question about digestive health, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. This professional is best able to establish personalized treatment and care.
Pharmadiet Veterinary is a brand specialized in complementary feeds for animals and products for the hygiene, care, and management of animals for animal health with over 30 years of experience
© Pharmadiet Veterinary is a brand of the OPKO group | All rights reserved.
Web design and digital marketing by Wide Marketing
Pharmadiet Veterinaria es una marca especializada en suplementos alimentarios para animales y productos para la higiene, cuidado y manejo de los animales para la salud animal con más de 30 años de experiencia
© Pharmadiet Veterinary is a brand of the OPKO group | All rights reserved.
Web design and digital marketing by Wide Marketing